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JoEMS : Journal of Education and Management Studies
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Journal of Education and Management Studies Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah (JoEMS) provides a media to publish scientific articles as a result of research and development in social and political fields. JoESM publishes research, development and review articles in social and political fields with the following scope: 1. Islamic Education 2. General Education 3. Management 4. Islamic Economics We accept contributions of research articles and conceptual (non-research) articles from general authors or college student . We put more emphasis on research articles.
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Manajemen Kepala Sekolah SMA PGRI 1 Jombang Shefy Badrul Lailiyah; Waslah - -
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 3 No 2 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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This study aims to describe the implementation of the participation of the Principal's management in SMA PGRI 1 Jombang. The implementation of the Principal's form of management is known by analyzing primary and secondary data in SMA PGRI 1 Jombang. This research uses descriptive qualitative design. The data analyzed are data from the main source of this study, namely the principal, besides the analyzed data are data in the form of writing, such as a brief history of SMA PGRI 1 Jombang, and other documents related to research. The results of the study were analyzed using Presistant techniques (persistence of observation) and Triangulation (combining various data collection techniques). The results of the study stated that the implementation of school principal management in SMA PGRI 1 Jombang is in accordance with Law No. 20 of 2003 which is able to guarantee equal opportunity for education, quality improvement and relevance and efficiency of education management to face challenges in accordance with the demands of changing local, national, and global. The role of the principal's management is very positive, both for the school, for the teaching performance of teachers, the performance of staff and employees as well as for students. This form of headmaster management involves all components, both students, educators, and education staff.
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 3 No 2 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Ummi method is a method that introduces how to read Al-Quraysh with tartil. In learning the Ummi method uses an approach. That approach is the mother tongue approach. There are 3 strategies for this approach, they are: Direct method, Repetition, Affection. The research objectives to be achieved in this study are (1) How to implement the Ummi method in MIN 2 Jombang (2) How to improve the ability to read the Qur'an in MIN 2 Jombang. (3) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors. To achieve the above objectives, researchers use qualitative research types. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach and data collection techniques in the form of observation methods, interview methods, and documentation. While the data analysis technique used by researchers is to use data reduction, data presentation, then drawing conclusions. From the results of data analysis about the implementation of the Ummi method in improving the ability to read the Qur'an in MIN 2 Jombang, several things are carried out, namely: learning is carried out 4 times in 1 week 8 hours of learning, one teacher is maximum of 15 students, with 60 minutes using a private learning model individual, classical individual, classical aca see, classical read pure listening. By using 7 stages of learning, i.e., opening, apperception, concept planting, concept understanding, skills / training, evaluation, and closing. The improvement of the implementation of the Ummi Min 2 Jombang method is very good, it can be seen from the ability of students in reading the Qur'an very well, reading it has begun with tarti, and reading it in accordance with the principles of tajwid science, and there are also those who follow tartil competitions at the district level and get a champion. Supporting factors consist of madrasa support, Al-Qur'an teachers, parents, and infrastructure such as volumes, visuals, and achievement books. While the inhibiting factors are the students feel they can and underestimate the material, and the lack of administrative completeness.
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 3 No 2 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Al-Qur'an is the holy book which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Where the Al-Qur'an is a guide for all Muslims who are always sung every prayer. Obligations of Muslims include prayer, where prayer is the base of all Islamic worship. And what if in prayer we are not correct in reciting letters or sentences in the Qur'an ?. That is an example of the importance of studying the science of recitation. And also because it is motivated by the importance of understanding the material of recitation of recitation as the law of reading the Qur'an with recitation of recitation is fardhu ‘ain, especially students are prospective tahfidz in the future. This research is intended to answer the problem: (1) How is the strategy to improve the quality of reading the Qur'an at Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School Kalijaring Jombang? (2) How is the application of tajwid science in learning to read the Qur'an at Al-Ihsan Kalijaring Islamic Boarding School in Jombang? These problems were discussed through field study research conducted at Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, documentation, interviews. While data analysis techniques use deductive thinking and inductive thinking. The results of this study, namely: (1) how to improve the quality of reading the Qur'an in the Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School in a conscious, systematic, planned and focused way on changing the ability of students in mastering good Qur'an reading procedures and true, as for efforts to improve the ability to read the Qur'an through dirosah, curricular activities, the addition of supporting facilities. While the methods used are lectures, questions and answers, dril methods or ready exercises. In studying recitation in the Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School using the Tuhfatul Athfal and Matan Jazariyah guidelines, the media used were blackboards, markers and notebooks. (2) the application of tajwid science in learning to read Al-Qur'an at Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School is done in groups according to the ability of students in learning to read Al-Qur'an which is carried out after each dawn and maghrib prayer and there is also a question and answer discussion.
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 3 No 2 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Many BMT are experiencing losses due to the many clients who fail to pay, this is due to several reasons from the PKL. Based on the Collectibility recapitulation report as of June 2017, BMT NU Temayang had a total of 274 customers, which was jammed by 5.57% and its NPF was 21.18%. While the Bank is said to be healthy if the NPF not more than 7%, it means that BMT NU Temayang has very serious problems related to the problem financing, because the number of NPF more than 7%. In the problem of financing there are institutions that function to deal with the issue is the BASYARNAS. The purpose of this research is to know how BMT NU Temayang's efforts in tackling the failed pay perspective of BASYARNAS. This research is a evaluative study with a qualitative approach. Its analytical techniques use interviews, documentation, and observations. The results of this study showed that the financing of Akad Rahn was given to the PKL as an initial business capital, an effort to overcome the financing of the Rahn contract conducted at BMT NU Temayang using the 5C strategy, family principle, Spiritual, and taking action Over collateral. While Basyarnas uses the way of peace, finishing with the principle (Ishlah), resolving disputes using Islamic law, resolve the dispute by making Islamic Sharia as a base. This makes BMT NU Temayang and BASYARNAS have a common in tackling the failing to pay that is by means of peace or family principle that provides humanist concept.
Pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran CIRCOS untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Khusnul Khotimah; Dian Kusuma Wardani
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 3 No 2 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Education is one of the supporting factors in improving the quality of human resources. Therefore the concept of an education should no longer be teacher-centered, but student-centered. The change in concept starts from several aspects, one of which is through the learning method. Some learning methods that center on student activity are the Circuit Learning and Complete Sentence methods. Through these two methods, students are expected to be more active and get satisfying results. Therefore, in this study the two methods were developed into a new method, the CIRCOS method to determine the application of the learning method and its effect on increasing student achievement. This research method uses Research and Development, and uses the Borg and Gall model. Data collection techniques in this study through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. In the research instrument using questionnaires and tests. Based on the results of research and development, it can be concluded that the CIRCOS learning method has several weaknesses, strengths, and things that need to be added. And the CIRCOS method can improve student achievement.
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 3 No 2 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MA Unggulan KH. Abd. Wahab Hasbullah Tambakberas Jombang pada tahun pelajaran 2019-2020. Subjek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, guru, karyawan, siswa, orang tua siswa.Sedangkan informan penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, guru, komite sekolah, orang tua, siswa.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan pengamatan, triangulasi (metode dan sumber). Teknik analisa data menggunakan model interaktif terdiri dari pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) manajemen pendidikan akhlak siswa di MA Unggulan KH.Abd. Wahab Hasbullah Tambakberas Jombang: a) dilakukan melalui kegiatan intrakulikuler, ekstrakulikuler, dan pembiasaan. Pelaksanaan manajemen tersebut berjalan secara terstruktur, terpadu, dan normatif yang dilandasi oleh nilai-nilai islam, serta dengan keteladanan. b) Kepala sekolah di MA Unggulan KH. Abd. Wahab Hasbullah Tambakberas Jombang telah menjalankan fungsi-fungsi manajemen yaitu perencanaan (planning), pengorganisasian (orginizing),), pengarahan (directing),), pengawasan (controling) dan penilaian (evaluating). Faktor keberhasilan pendidikan akhlak siswa di MA Unggulan KH. Abd.Wahab Hasbullah Tambakberas Jombang tidak terlepas dari kreatifitas kepala sekolah dalam mengelola pendidikan akhlak siswa di sekolah. Pendidikan akhlak siswa di MA Unggulan KH. Abd. Wahab Hasbullah Tambakberas Jombang berhasil dikarenakan menggunakan strategi sebagai berikut: a) integrasi akhlak dalam visi, misi, dan tujuan sekolah, b) integrasi pendidikan karakter/budi pekerti yang berlandaskan nilai-nilai Islam ke dalam semua mata pelajaran, c) pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakulikuler dengan disertai penanaman nilai-nilai ajaran islam, d) pembentukan budaya islami di lingkungan sekolah juga di dukung oleh pennciptaan suasana sekolah yang kondusif, e) keluwesan kepala sekolah dalam menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak secara internal maupun eksternal. Penaggulangan dekadensi moral siswa di MA Unggulan KH. Abd.Wahab Hasbullah Tambakberas Jombang melaksanakan melalui pendekatan preventif dan represif.
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 3 No 2 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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This study aims to describe: 1) the inculcation of Islamic religious values ​​in early childhood in RA PERWANIDA JATIWATES, 2) How the method of inculcating Islamic religious values ​​in early childhood, 3) What are the supporting factors and obstacles to the inculcation of religious values Islam in early childhood. The results showed that: 1) The inculcation of Islamic religious values ​​in early childhood includes planning, implementation and evaluation. The planning includes the preparation of a Syllabus, RPT, RPB, RPM and RKH. Implementation has several stages of activities including opening activities, core activities, breaks and closing activities. 2) Methods of inculcating Islamic religious values ​​in early childhood, namely by using the habituation method, exemplary method, demonstration method, question and answer method, 3) Supporting factors among others, educators are experts and professionals, facilities and infrastructure, the availability of learning media, the condition of children who are enthusiastic and ready to learn. While the inhibiting factors include: Family background Potential, motivation, enthusiasm, seriousness, There are children who are active, Children are difficult to tidy up and return the game, There are students who are easily bored, There are educators who have limitations in operating the computer, the circumstances of parents who do not all provide further education to guide and habituate children when at home.
Improving Reading Comprehension Ability of the Eleventh Grade Students of MAN 5 Jombang through Jigsaw Technique SEPTIAN RAGIL ANANDITA
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 3 No 2 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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This study was conducted to improve the student’s reading comprehension ability on narrative text through Jigsaw technique. The study was classroom action research; the subject was students from eleventh grade of IPS 3 (Social Science). It was chosen because this class got the lowest result of daily test on reading skill, which was used as preliminary study. The average score on preliminary test was 61.2 and only 40% students got passed the standard minimum of achievement (KKM). The minimal completeness criterion was 75. The cycle was held to increase the students’ achievement. First, the teacher made the colorful paragraph of text to make the students more interested in the reading comprehension ability. The second, the teacher motivated the students to be more active in discussion then asking them not was shy or afraid to ask question or give opinion. The teacher also motivated to the group leader to be able to control the optimal group discussion. The third, the teacher also arranged the balance of slow leaner and high leaner composition in each group. It was hope the high learner could help the slow learner. And at the end of cycle was evaluated. The result of posttest in cycle 2 was: the average score of the students test were increased from 72.2 in cycle I became 80.4 in posttest cycle II. The students who gained the standard minimum of achievement increased from 65% in cycle I became 80% in posttest cycle II. It showed that the low achievement had improved.
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 3 No 2 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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This study aims to determine the ability to write papers by students of physics education courses at the University of KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah. Research subjects were students of physics education at the Faculty of Education, Kh University. A. Wahab Hasbullah in semester 1 of the 2019/2020 school year as many as 30 people. This research uses descriptive quantitative research design because the research objective is to determine the ability to write papers in terms of aspects of the characteristics of the paper, aspects of the structure of the paper and aspects of language use. The data collection techniques by reading the entire paper made by students, the aim is to identify and measure the level of scholarship consisting of the contents of the paper, organization of papers, vocabulary and terms, use of language, and spelling and writing techniques. The conclusion of this study is the ability to write scientific papers (papers) students viewed from aspects of the characteristics of papers by 65% ​​with a fairly good category, the ability to write scientific papers (papers) students viewed from the aspect of the structure of papers by 65% ​​with a fairly good category and ability writing scientific papers (papers) students viewed from the aspect of linguistic use by 63% with quite good category

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